Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Flashback: 49 Years of Easter Awesomeness

The eeeeevil carpal tunnel syndrome is keeping me from doing much typing at the moment, so I'm keeping today's Friday Flashback simple --- it's Easter picture time! (Thanks to my mom for sending me most of these.)

Hope you enjoy, and I hope you come back next week for more Easter posts, both silly and serious. (And here's Ode to a Marshmallow Peep, in case you missed it.)

One Year Ago:

Painting Easter eggs!

Two Years Ago:

H was sick for his first big-guy Easter, so I'm pictureless!
I think he spent the day lying on the floor and watching cartoons.
So here's a nice spring-y one from about the same time.

Three Years Ago:

I have no idea if this is an Easter picture or not.
But it was taken in April and it's ADORABLE. So there.

Eleven Years Ago:

Rocking my braces, frizzies, and jammies. I post this because I'm confident.
And because 15-year-old me isn't around to kill 26-year-old me.

About 20 Years Ago:

Ah, there we go, MUCH cuter.
Though note that my brother totally has a mullet.

About 21 Years Ago:
I remember this bunny. I did NOT want to sit with this bunny.
At least it didn't want to eat my soul, like these ones.

About 23 Years Ago:

Obviously my kids get their adorableness from me.

About 46 Years Ago:

Bonnet! Gloves! Purse! Eeeee!
This is my mama in the mid-60s or so.
(Continue noting the family adorability factor)

49 Years Ago:
And here's my dad!

Happy Friday, everyone! Have a lovely rainy Saturday and Palm Sunday!

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