Yesterday was also laundry day.
And the day before.
If you, y'know, wear clothes, this is a familiar process. And if you have kids, you really know how this goes. I'm not sure exactly how, but adding Danny to our household doubled the amount of laundry we create. The kid's only 16 pounds! (And yet, he produces more than triple his mass in spit-up every day.)
Laundry is my nemesis. It lurks in every corner of my house. A stray sock among the baby toys. A slimy bib draped over the back of the chair. The ever-growing pile behind the bathroom door. Everywhere I go, everything I do, it's watching me. It's like Sting.
I hate laundry.
But I have this new philosophy about housework. It's called Defeating It So It Can't Defeat Me.